13 June 2012

13 June 2012

yesterday, i went to get my eyes rechecked because i can no longer use the glasses i have had for over 3 yrs. they r tri progressives and they bug the heck out of my eyes. so yesterday, b4 leaving, i decided i was gonna try contacts. i didn't tell my hubby about it but instead said i was gonna get my glasses replaced.
b4 i got my eyes rechecked, i had the tires rotated. will check where to get them rebalanced as i didn't have my warranty with me. was there for about 45 minutes. then off to the eye doc.
got to the doc around 1045 hrs. since i was a walk-in, i asked if they could see me. the clerk looked and asked if could wait til 1100 hrs. i was very happy to wait until then.
after they called me back and i got all the prelim stuff done, i told Dr. Fain that i wanted to try contacts. he asked me about the glasses i have and how i would want the readers to work. since i spend many hours playing on my laptop, i wanted my lenses/contacts fitted with single vision for my first set. i have to have reading glasses but not the kind u can buy at the store. so i will be getting them later. i am wearing contacts that last a month. the trials r not exactly what i need. i am working on getting used to my left eye being my "reading eye" as my right eye is dominant.
my first day, i wore the trials for 4 hrs. today, i wore them for 6 hrs. tomorrow i will wear them for 8 hrs. after that, i wear them all day. i can even sleep in them. don't know if i will do that.
i am used to seeing clearly with my peripheral vision. but with the contact in my left eye, it's blurry due to the fact that it is my reading eye. my right eye is doin' well with the trial contact tho things r not as clear as they should be. we'll see how the new contacts r. hopefully, i will be able to get my reading glasses fairly quick. anyway, this should be interesting as i have not been without glasses on my face since i was 15 yrs old, when i first started wearing glasses. i am still getting used to seeing myself "naked" when i look in the mirror. hopefully, that feeling will dissipate quickly. i know it will be nicer when i wear my headphones and not have to maneuver them so my ears don't hurt because of the frames.
now for the adventure of life....

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