just got notification that a court date has been set for 17May2016. we do not know what this court date is for.
over the past couple of months, it had been very quiet due to assistant DA's walking out becuz of the DA here in the county of Dallas.
please continue praying for truth, peace, strength, forgiveness, wisdom, and knowledge for all involved.
ken and i have been experiencing "new" things in our walk with God, both individually and together. we have experienced the courts of heaven:
Fisher of Men Productions
and r silencing our accuser as God reveals what the accuser is saying about us. this is our 'working out our salvation' and sanctification. believe me! this is life changing. all the accuser has been saying, to this date, has been silenced. We have seen God's cleansing righteousness in action. God's passion has been witnessed, experienced and is totally awesome!
so, as we prepare for this court date, we r ready b4 God. there is no fear, anxiety, or trepidation. we r standing on God's word and trusting that He has this in His complete control. giving ALL praise, thanksgiving, glory, and honor to God as the song in Revelation says.
thank u again for standing with us in prayer b4 God our father.